Hi there, my name is Luiz Covo and I am a professional photographer specializing in Real Estate, Products, Cars, and Lifestyle photography. I am based in the Orlando Area, with a background that originated from my hometown of São Paulo, Brazil.
My passion for the outdoors and exploration began in my childhood, where I enjoyed spending my time playing and discovering new things. On rainy days, I engaged in creative activities such as drawing comics characters and playing video games. These experiences eventually paved the way for my career in photography and graphic design.
Prior to my photography career, I worked as a photo editor and graphic designer in a big company. My colleagues taught me everything I needed to know, and my passion for the industry grew even more, which made me take photography and design courses that further improved my techniques. Also my background in graphic design provided me with valuable skills that helped me in composing and editing photographs.
In regards to my academic background, I earned a degree in Marketing, Design, and Advertising from the Universidade Bandeirantes located in São Paulo, Brazil. Furthermore, I have supplemented my education with a range of relevant coursework, including the Canon Photography Course, Design and Arts by Impacta Technology, as well as various courses focused on drawing and illustration. These academic pursuits have provided me with a strong foundation to succeed in my professional carrier.
Since 2011, I have captured priceless moments through my photography, basically all my work after that date was based on photography and I believe that photography is not just about taking pictures but preserving memories that can last forever.
As a Real Estate photographer, I specialize in creating colorful and graphic images that help brands tell stories and show their projects. Focusing on details is always essential to show the most important thing of your project. Shooting so that everything is as sharp as possible, improving color rendering, and looking for special angles to show every part of your project are especially useful to sell a good image for your customer. For this to be possible the use of professional equipment and years of work experience counts a lot at this time. Photos with a super-resolution also help to create an enhanced image with results similar to reality, it's as if you were already inside the house.
I take pride in offering top-notch service and quality photos that truly capture the essence of my clients' businesses. With my editing skills, I have the ability to take good photos and make them amazing.
I invite you to peruse my photo library and take your time to appreciate all the details. It was my pleasure to assist you, and if you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to ask.
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